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Holidays of the future: Here’s what to expect in 2070

23 August 2020

Staycations are booming and the trend certainly won’t be slowing down any time soon, as Brits take some well-needed rest and recuperation and are heading to beautiful coastal towns and the glorious British countryside to do this.

In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, Willerby looked at the health and wellbeing impact of staycations with TV doctor Hilary Jones.

We know it’s hard to imagine what next year has in store for us, but we’ve now delved deeper and worked closely with futurist Tom Cheesewright on our Great British Break Off report to understand what holidays will look like in 50 years time.

Will staycations still be popular? How much will we pay? What will become of the traditional beach holiday? How will technology play its part?

Alongside Tom, we examined how the major changes in how we live and work will intersect with the critical pressure points facing society.

Here are the trends to look out for by 2070:

The end of budget beach holidays
Due to rising costs because of climate change and a shift in work patterns, the traditional two weeks in the sun could be no more.

Instead, many may choose to only travel abroad every four to five years. Flexible working arrangements might also mean that people can move abroad for a few months, while still employed in the UK.

Working on your side hustle
Longer holidays will inevitably mean taking work with you, but as workplaces become increasingly flexible, your boss is likely to send you away with a creative project to focus on. Holidays will also offer a chance to develop your side hustle, with more people retreating to write a book or blog or develop a new business idea.

Less stress (thanks to your digital assistant)
Take the stress out of holiday planning - thanks to your personal assistant who will do it all for you. A rise in autonomous cars will also make the journey less stressful too.

Revival of faded coastal towns
As foreign destinations become less desirable, a boom in visits to seaside towns could see resorts enjoy a surge in popularity. Blackpool could be the go-to destination for many.

Quadrupled prices
Climate change will mean the number of destinations we can travel to is reduced, so those who do want to travel abroad may pay up to four times more in 50 years time.

Some places may be too hot to visit too - again, thanks to climate change.

A break from mixed reality
Robots and digital noise will be the norm in 2070. We’ll wear ‘mixed reality goggles’ for up to 10 hours a day!

This will mean holidays are even more valued as a way to escape to a much simpler way of life.

Swapping holiday romance for lifelong romance
People will become more isolated as they work from home, and holidays could become the perfect opportunity to meet a partner - but not just for a holiday romance, it will be for a lasting relationship.

Getting ‘uncomfortable’ and taking risks on holiday
Holidaymakers will ditch yoga and pilates for more thrill-seeking hobbies such as scaling mountains.

Mixing with NON-like-minded people
Friendship groups will shrink as many will rely on social media. Due to this, group holidays could see a resurgence as Brits crave experiences and to meet new people with new ideas.

3D printed holiday homes - naturally
Holidays will become our only chance to escape to nature and we’ll see ‘hobbit style’ homes embedded into the landscape. The trend for 3D printed homes will be extended to holiday homes and there will be living walls where holidaymakers can pick their own plants and herbs.

The lasting COVID effect
Sadly, the current global pandemic won’t be the last and will have a lasting effect on how we holiday, including the advantage of employers allowing remote work.

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To read Willerby’s full holiday future-gazing report and the key trends in more detail, go to