Ten fixes to burn off the festive weight
17 January 2018Did you decide that 2018 is the year to burn off those extra pounds? We’ve come up with a few ways that might just get you on the journey to feeling and looking good.
- Our marketing director suggests giving or throwing away anything that will tempt you into eating naughty things. Do you have half a box of After Eights left on the side, mince pies still in the cupboard? Then make that decision right now. You will not be tempted as you’re going to get rid of them. Take them round to the neighbours, if they get fatter then you’ll feel thinner. Win win!
- Instead of reading the newspaper on your tablet go for a brisk walk to fetch one instead. A good five minutes each way to the local shop will get that heart beating faster and you get to gossip to the local shopkeeper to find out what’s new on your park. Go steady though to begin with if you’ve been eating a lot of Christmas pudding.
- Cook from scratch. It’s amazing what you can rustle up in a Willerby kitchen (did you know they were all made by hand at our factory?). By choosing healthier ingredients and controlling levels of salt and sugar, this is a sure fired way to help you lose those pounds and feel healthier to boot.
- While you're cooking your nice healthy dinner you could do some standing press ups. Stand about arms length from the counter top and push up and down using the counter instead of the floor. Lovely toned armed and shoulders will be the result, and dinner is also cooked!
- This is a really easy one. Put your remote control for the TV out of sight and get up and down to change the channel instead. No After Eights lying around to tempt you either.
- In fact, why not turn off the TV and borrow the neighbour’s dog? They’re too busy eating your left over mince pies anyway so will be delighted if you took Fido for a walk.
- If it’s raining outside you could always pop on the radio and have a chair boogy. Stretch out those limbs and get those toes tapping. Once you’ve loosened up close the lounge curtains and have your very own Flashdance moment. What a feeling.
- But if you can’t bear to turn off your TV then ask a relative to borrow Peter Kay’s Car Share if you haven’t already watched it. Apparently laughter causes your heart rate to go up by as much as 20%. This in turn increases your metabolism, which allows you to keep burning calories even after the laughter has stopped. And it didn’t cost you a penny.
- It’s nearly Spring too so why not give your holiday home a really good clean. Do it fast though to get the old heart pumping and burn off a few more pounds.
- Shake off the cobwebs (now that you have a lovely clean home) and plan a trip. Willerby is attending 3 great shows in Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham through January and February They are huge, so put on comfy shoes and pack a nutritious lunch. It’s a great day out and you can make it a healthy one too.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our top 10 tips to getting healthy for 2018.
Always consult your doctor or other healthcare provider before taking advice, changing your diet or starting an exercise program. If at any stage while following a Top 10 Tip your medical status changes you should consult your doctor or other suitable health professional at the earliest opportunity prior to continuing with your exercise programme.